We offer:


Welcome to Janusz Stańko Tax Advisory Office

We provide a wide range of services in the area of servicing single business entities as well as in the form of civil or commercial companies.

We have the permission of the Minister of Finance No. 511/96 for the service of keeping books of accounts and the entry into the list of tax advisors No. 05477 maintained by the National Chamber of Tax Advisors in Warsaw.

Over 20 years of experience in accounting and tax law makes us one of the largest Tax Advisory Office in Stargard Area.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer.


ul. Letnia 26
73-110 Stargard
tel. +48 91 578 88 68
fax. +48 91 834 94 27


Copyright 2017 Biuro Rachunkowe Stargard Janusz Stańko
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone | Polityka prywatności

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